Engineering supervision is a multi-faceted process involving the monitoring, management, and coordination of construction, building, and execution activities throughout the implementation stages of an engineering project. Engineering supervision aims to ensure that the project is executed correctly, by approved designs, technical specifications, standard requirements, and local regulations.

Execution Monitoring: The main aspect of engineering supervision involves monitoring the construction processes to ensure the correct implementation of designs and specifications. This includes tracking progress, reviewing detailed drawings, and verifying the quality of materials and equipment used.

Resource Management: This stage involves effectively managing the human, financial, and material resources available for the project, including organizing schedules, dealing with potential delays, and ensuring the timely availability of materials and equipment.

Communication and Coordination: Engineering supervision requires continuous communication with all parties involved in the project, including architects, contractors, suppliers, and clients. Effective communication facilitates information exchange and problem-solving.

Quality Control: Appropriate quality tests are carried out on materials, processes, and products during the execution stages to ensure high-quality standards in the final project.

Safety and Occupational Health: Engineering supervision also includes ensuring the implementation of appropriate safety and occupational health procedures at the construction site to maintain the safety of workers, contractors, and site visitors.

Reporting: All engineering supervision activities are documented in periodic reports that include progress notes, quality observations, potential risks, and corrective actions when necessary.